Tuesday, February 22, 2011


34) 56

Circumference of Circle O = 16p inches.
BC = 3/4 of the length of diameter AD
CE = 4 inches

r = 8 (half of diameter)
d = 16pi/pi = 16

AD = Diameter = 16
BC = 3/4 of AD so, BC is Diameter/4 = 4, since we want
3/4, then 3 X 4 = 12
so, BC is 12 inches
AD is 16 inches
CE is 4 inches
Area = 16(2) + 12(2) = 56 Square Inches.

35) $7,4699.04785 is not the correct answer.
5,583.86 is the correct answer because:

Initial Amount = $5000
Interest Rate = 3.75% = 0.0375
Interest in $s = $5000 X 0.0375 = $187.50
Total Amount after 1 year = $5000 + $187.50 = $5187.50

2nd Amount = $5187.50 X 0.0375 = $194.54125
Total Amount after 2 years = $5187.50 + $194.54125 = $5382.03125

3rd Amount = $5382.03125 X 0.0375 = $201.826171875
Total Amount after 3 years = $5382.03125 + $201.826171875 = $5583.857421875
Which really is $5583.86 if you round it up.

P1: 60/60
p2: 6/6
p3: 3/9
p4: 12/12
= 81/87

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